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About Raven

I help people wake from the familiar, small, consensual world in which they live into a vast, vibrant world brimming with possibility and connection.  
We are Powerful - and our habitual thoughts and stories shape the fabric of our lives. As we awaken, we rediscover the deep connections and boundless joy that have long been hidden by the illusions of our own minds. By reigniting our intuitive abilities, we discover that the help we seek and the life we desire are within reach.


For decades I have been studying that liminal space between imagination and reality, science and mysticism, thought and intuition. I study the many communications between the visible world and inner worlds. I never stop learning, and I pass along what I discover to those who seek coaching.  In exploring the way the mind works, I have been able to bring decades of experience to my practice.             

I have created and facilitated workshops for over 40 years.  In addition to the training one might expect a coach to have, (Stress management, Guided Imagery, Gestalt Practices, Body Language, Mindfulness etc…),
I have been a Radical Honesty Coach and Trainer for 20 years, and am proud to say that the practice has grown and evolved under new leadership.

I have also studied Conscious Dreaming with internationally known author and dream teacher, Robert Moss, and am a Certified Dream Teacher. I do not ‘analyze’ dreams, I help people bring energy, and information up from the deep mind, into waking life.


For a free copy of THE BOOK OF HOW, which is an owners guide for your own mind, email

© 2025 Raven Dana

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