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Imbolc Ritual and Blessing

Live Zoom Call on Sunday, February 2nd from 2-2:30pm ET
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Celebrate the light returning! 

Our ritual will be a celebration of the returning Light, marking a time of emerging from the dark to nurture hope, activate renewal, and lend ourselves to positive growth and transformation.


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In our Ritual, we will invite the Light to illuminate the Darkness, invoke the Light within each of us, and stand ready to take action as the Light returns.  Participants will be able to carry the Brigid Fire back into their daily lives as a reminder to nurture the Light within. We will Journey together into the Belly of the Earth and return with  Blessings from the Divine.


The word "Imbolc" means "in the belly of the Mother.” This festival, Feb 1-2, marks the first stirring of spring, and is the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.


Imbolc is a time to celebrate renewal, growth, and transformation and is associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid, who is the goddess of home, hearth, agriculture, spring, dawn, and fertility. Brigid is considered one of the most powerful Celtic gods, the daughter of the Dagda, the oldest god in the Celtic pantheon Tuatha du Danann.


 Imbolc is a time when many herd animals give birth to their first offspring of the year. Traditions from both the pagan celebration of Imbolc and the Christian celebration of St. Brigid’s Day (Candlemas) can be found in the modern Imbolc celebration. Celebrants sometimes make a Brigid cross out of reeds as well as a Brigid corn doll.


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