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Bee Magick

3 Week Youtube Series on October 18th, 25th, & November 1st
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This 3-week program will guide you through the powerful, ancient, and complex magick of bees. 


The suggested cost is $38 (or pay what you can). The weekly videos will be uploaded to my YouTube channel every Wednesday. If you register and pay will also receive a weekly email with notes, suggestions and links to related materials.

Ready to register?

Register and receive important communications by clicking the Pay Now button below.


or pay what you can!

Our relationship with Bees is ancient, powerful, and complex. Bees and their honey have been revered and honored throughout the world for thousands of years. Egypt, India, and Babylonia are a few of the many cultures that have had a special sacred relationship with bees.

Join me as we enter the world of bees and beekeepers, discover bee shamanism, learn to dream with the bees, understand their world, and discover the powerful medicinal properties of honey. We will also learn about the decline of bee populations and what we can do to be allies to this remarkable Bee-ing.


Bees have long been known as true messengers Between the Worlds.  I have always had an affinity for bees, and as I learn more about their remarkable lives,  I am in awe of their intelligence, magic, and power to heal.

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