Practical Magick Series for 2024
3 Week Youtube Series on January 24th, 31st, & February 7th

This 3-week program will provide you many examples of how to use Magick in daily life.
The suggested cost is $52 (or pay what you can). The weekly videos will be uploaded to my YouTube channel every Wednesday. If you register and pay will also receive a weekly email with notes, suggestions, and links to related materials.
Ready to register?
Register and receive important communications by clicking the Pay Now button below.
or pay what you can!
Level One:
Magic as a Practice
The ‘physics’ and mindset of Magick
Knowing your tools
Creating your unique practice
How to notice, build, dismiss, and direct energy.
Level Two:
The Ethics of Magick
The Language of Magick
The Anatomy of a Spell
Elements, Elementals, and Weather
Protection, Clearing, and Practical Magick
Level Three:
The Living Universe
Signs, Synchronicity, and Flow
Ancestors, Archetypes, Angels & Aliens
Standing Between the Worlds
Magick in art and music