A Valentine Gift for the Grumps
Let this be the year you decide to be kind to yourself. This doesn’t mean making excuses for yourself. No, no. Kindness includes...
remove obstacles and clear the path to their dreams. My coaching style is clear, direct and instinctive. My strength lies in helping people trust their deep intelligence, and to create new habits and beliefs that relieve stress while
opening paths to their desires. I bring decades of experience to the table. I can help you shine. I am a Life and Executive Coach, as well as a Dream Ambassador. I help peopleI can help you live with joy.
Suggested Fee: $45 or pay what you can to receive class notes and links to more information in addition to the Free Class sessions on YouTube
Who/what are we? How can we bring energy and information through from deeper realities to bring balance and healing into our lives and the world? In this 5 week series, we will explore the nature of Consciousness and our abilities as Reality Creators.
• Rekindle our ability to communicate with nature
• Learn to call our energy back from past fears and future worries
• Develop our skills at Dreamweaving, while awake
• How and why imagination shapes reality
• Letting go of what no longer serves us
• Using Art & Music to move energy
Each 30 minute class will feature a practice that will help you restore, conserve, raise or direct energy. Each week will be accompanied by Guided Imagery to reinforce the ideas we will be exploring.
I'm always giving away free advice, workshops, lessons and more. Don't miss out and subscribe now!